When women get together, 
powerful things can happen as God moves in our midst.

-Kathleen Reaser

I inspire and empower women
to be all God
uniquely created them to be.

Don’t miss out!
Take Your Next Step to Achieve Your Dreams and Life Purpose

Soufflé tootsie roll tart lemon drops brownie macaroon. Gingerbread cotton candy powder toffee chocolate cake gummies chocolate candy. Gingerbread halvah caramels oat cake. Brownie tiramisu chocolate jelly beans bear claw chocolate cake sesame snaps sweet cupcake. Chocolate bar macaroon cookie chocolate sweet danish cookie. Fruitcake cotton candy topping ice cream sweet roll dessert bear claw. Candy cotton candy croissant chocolate muffin.

Bonbon biscuit lemon drops dessert chupa chups toffee. Gingerbread tiramisu icing jujubes cookie pie.

Tart lemon drops brownie macaroon. Gingerbread cotton candy powder toffee chocolate cake gummies chocolate candy.

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Kathleen and I have had the pleasure of serving in a Christian laycare counseling ministry together for over three years. As a supervisor, I witnessed firsthand the amount of effort, attention, and spiritual commitment she offers when working with God's children. She has a true and genuine heart to advance and encourage the relationship others have with and in Christ. Kathleen is an avid teacher at heart, diligent servant of Christ, and loves to encourage in prayer. As a result of time spent with Kathleen, I have aspired to delve into the Word and advance my own walk with Christ. 

“As a result of time spent with Kathleen,
 I have aspired to delve into the Word and advance my own walk with Christ.”

Sarah Almendariz Rivera, LPC-S

How to work with me

One-on-one coaching may be the most efficient way for you to move forward and achieve your goal. Homework following each session will help you implement what you learn. Find out more here.

Meet with like minded women who desire fellowship leading to personal or professional growth.  Discover more about yourself and take action to live the life you were created to live.

These courses are designed to help women unify their personal, spiritual and career goals. Discover what could be holding you back and empower you to reach your next goal in life. Courses are available on a private portal, so you can work at your own pace.

In 2025 I will be releasing my new course, Living the Life God Created You to Live.

Be watching in 2025!



Here's the Newest Course

A New Season

Are you entering a new season in your life? Recognizing seasons is important for personal growth, as well not missing opportunities and experiences meant to enrich your life. A New Season will help equip you to embrace new seasons, gain a clear vision, and thrive.
A New Season is an Expressions of Heart course by Kathleen Reaser. The course is comprised of 4 videos, worksheets and journal pages for self-coaching.  $29

Buy Here

Kathleen Reaser is an experienced leader who is comfortable facilitating with a group of people or with an individual on their own. She is a good listener who also invites and encourages growth and change within a safe environment, and, within a time frame that best suits those with whom she is working, encouraging and leading. She trusts God's timing and dealings in each life depending on the Holy Spirit's guidance when providing direction. Kathleen is trustworthy, dependable, encouraging, and gifted in helping others reach their potential.

Denise R. Espino, M.S., LPC-S